CCAP Classes at Merced College
CCAP classes are Merced College classes that are offered to high school students for free. Only K-12 students (Grades 9-12) are allowed in the CCAP classes. CCAP classes will be advertised on each high school campus.
Students should be in good standing as an MUHSD student in order to take a CCAP class. Past CCAP class grades will be taken into consideration when signing up for classes.
Concurrent Enrollment at Merced College
Students may also sign up to take classes offered in the Merced College course catalog outside of the regular high school day. Concurrent classes are classes offered to anyone who wants to take them.
Students should be in good standing as an MUHSD student in order to take a concurrent class. Past concurrent class grades will be taken into consideration when signing up for classes.
Students interested in college classes should join the Pathway Counselor’s Google Classroom for more information and updates on offered classes.
School |
Counselor |
Google Classroom |
Atwater High School |
Stefanie Ochoa |
Buhach Colony High School |
Jennifer Sousa |
El Capitan High School |
Andrea Evans |
Golden Valley High School |
Ashley Faraone |
Class code: usvqhmi |
Livingston High School |
Merced High School |
Susan Odishoo |
Yosemite High School |
MUHSD students may take any class that they feel will benefit them (within Merced College eligibility guidelines), but keep in mind that the only college courses that would be posted to both the MCC transcript and the high school transcript are those that appear on the MUHSD/MCC Equivalent Course List. *A NEW EQUIVALENCY LIST WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR THE CLASS OF 2029 BY MAY 1ST* Fees do apply if students take more than 11 units in a semester. Classes taken before the summer before 9th grade will not be placed on the MUHSD transcript, with the exception of math and language other than English classes.
Students enrolled in CCAP classes or any classes with Merced College (MCC) are treated by Merced College as all other MCC students. K-12 student records are confidential and Parents/Guardians are not notified of student progress. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with the MCC teacher throughout the length of the course.
If a student fails to continue a course and does not drop the course by the date specified by MCC, they will receive a “W” (Withdrawal) on their college transcript. Likewise, if a student's college GPA drops below a 2.0 they may not qualify for financial aid upon graduating from high school. A college transcript GPA below a 2.0 could disqualify students from receiving their "Two Free Years of Community College" benefits. For this reason it is very important for students to seriously consider taking college level classes while in high school. MUHSD has no influence over Merced College policy and procedure.
Student grades will be posted to their high school transcripts after the course has been completed. The student does not need to provide a copy of their MCC transcripts to the registrar. Students are responsible to verify grades and notify the Pathway counselor of any issues. A student cannot have the credits for a high school course and equivalent MCC course on their transcripts. Both courses can be listed but only one will be given credits. Students can also have a Merced College course removed from their high school transcript with the understanding that the course and grade will remain on the MCC transcripts.