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Bright Paths Program

Bright Paths Program Coordinated access for McKinney-Vento Students


Students(s)/clients who meet the McKinney-Vento Act eligibility definition. Children and youth who lack fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

Access Points

Client accesses a single entry point where they are registered, identify and meet the McKinney-Vento definition (school enrollment process, Homeless Liaison, and/or outside agencies).


The client is screened using an assessment tool to determine their needs and eligibility (Bright Paths/ McKinney-Vento Intake Form & Student Service Questionnaire). Form is scanned and/or emailed to the Homeless Liaison.

Ongoing Services as Needed

The Bright Paths/McKinney-Vento Program will follow up with the client to check on progress and continue rendering services. This is determined on a case-by-case basis based on the best interest of the client.

Services Rendered for Clients

Bright Paths/McKinney-Vento Program renders services. Client is referred to internal and external services.

Prioritization for Clients Assessed

Based on the priorities set by Bright Paths/McKinney-Vento Program assessment, the client is ranked on a priority as follows: Unaccompanied Youth, Place not meant for human habitation, Shelters, Hotels/Motel, Doubled-Up.
