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District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC)

The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) is a committee that provides oversight on the English Learner (EL) program and works with district leadership to provide a high quality program for MUHSD students. Each campus sends one representative from their English Learner Advisory Committee to review and comment on key policies and procedures in our district. The DELAC members pictured were instrumental in creating and administering a student survey of our EL students as part of our annual program review. We thank our DELAC parents for their commitment and service to our EL program, its students and staff.

Schools with 21 or more English Learners shall establish a functioning school-level advisory committee. Parents/guardians of English Learners shall have an opportunity to elect parent members of the committee; the committee shall be constituted of membership in at least the same ratio as English Learners within the whole school enrollment. The committee shall also select one representative and one alternate to attend the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC).

The committee advises the principal and staff on topics relating to English Learners, including:

  • The development of the school's plan for English Learners
  • The development of the school's needs assessment
  • Administration of the school's language census (R-30)
  • Activities designed to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance
  • School districts receiving Economic Impact Aid (EIA)/State Compensatory Education (SCE) are required to establish a district advisory committee (DAC) and a school advisory committee (SAC) for the purpose of advising districts and schools regarding compensatory education programs. A school may designate a school site council established pursuant to California Education Code (EC) Section 52852 to function as the school advisory council.

    MUHSD Board Policy

    Section 6000 Instruction

    • Adopted September 13, 2006
    • Parent Involvement
    • BP 6020 Instruction

    The Board of Trustees recognizes that parents/guardians are their children's first and most influential teachers and that continued parental involvement in the education of children contributes greatly to student achievement and a positive school environment.

    In order to engage parents/guardians positively in their children's education, the Superintendent or designee shall ensure that staff members at each school:

    1. Help parents/guardians develop parenting skills and provide home environments that support their children's academic efforts and their development as responsible members of society

    2. Inform parents/guardians that they can directly affect the success of their children's learning and provide them techniques and strategies that they may use to improve their children's academic success and help their children in learning at home

    (cf. 6154 - Homework/Make-Up Work)

    3. Initiate consistent and effective two-way communication between the home and school so that parents/guardians may know when and how to help their children in support of classroom learning activities

    (cf. 5124 - Communication with Parents/Guardians) (cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notifications)

    4. Receive training that fosters effective and culturally sensitive communication with the home, including training on how to communicate with non-English speakers and how to give parents/guardians opportunities to assist in the instructional process both at school and at home

    (cf. 4131 - Staff Development) (cf. 4231 - Staff Development) (cf. 4331 - Staff Development)

    5. Encourage parents/guardians to serve as volunteers in the schools, attend student performances and school meetings, and participate in site councils, advisory councils and other activities in which they may undertake governance, advisory and advocacy roles

    (cf. 0420 - School Plans/Site Councils) (cf. 0420.1 - School-Based Program Coordination)


    Read MUHSD Board Docs

    Page BoardDocs® Pro 2 of 2 (cf. 0420.3 - School-Based Pupil Motivation and Maintenance Program) (cf. 0420.5 - School-Based Decision Making) (cf. 1220 - Citizen Advisory Committees) (cf. 1240 - Volunteer Assistance) (cf. 1250 - Visitors/Outsiders) (cf. 6171 - Title I Programs)

    School plans shall delineate specific measures that shall be taken to increase parental involvement with their children's education, including measures designed to involve parents/guardians with cultural, language or other barriers which may inhibit such participation.

    Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 11500-11506 Programs to encourage parental involvement LABOR CODE 230.8 Time off to visit child's school

    Management Resources: CDE PROGRAM ADVISORIES 0928.90 Guidelines for the development of policies on parent involvement, SPB: 90/91-3 SBE POLICIES Parent Involvement in the Education of Their Children, 1994

    Policy MERCED UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: September 13, 2006 Atwater, California

    Read MUHSD Board Docs

    DAC Purpose, Requirements & Responsibilities

  • The Merced Union High School District invites parents, teachers, students and community stakeholders to participate in the review and development of the Local Control Accountability Plan. We look forward to the successful implementation of our plan, as well as the community’s thoughts and ideas toward increasing student achievement and enhancing services for our students.

Agendas and Minutes

2024-2025 Meetings
  •  Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024        
    • 5:30pm  -  7:00pm           
    • Zoom Meeting
    • Agenda/Minutes 
  • Wednesday, Dec 4, 2024        
  • Wednesday, Feb 5, 2025        
    • 5:30pm  -  7:00pm           
    • Zoom Meeting
    • Agenda/Minutes 
  • Wednesday, May 21, 2025        
    • 5:30pm  -  7:00pm           
    • Zoom Meeting
    • Agenda/Minutes 

All meetings will be held via ZOOM

  • 2023-2024 Meetings
    •  Wednesday, May 29, 2024        
      • 5:30pm  -  7:00pm           
      • Zoom Meeting
      • Agenda/Minutes 
    • Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024        
      • 5:30pm  -  7:00pm           
      • Zoom Meeting
      • Agenda/Minutes 
    • Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2023        
      • 5:30pm  -  7:00pm           
      • Zoom Meeting
      • Agenda/Minutes 
    • Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023        
      • 5:30pm  -  7:00pm           
      • Zoom Meeting
      • Agenda/Minutes 

    All meetings will be held via ZOOM