Aeries Student Data Confirmation Process
Proceso de Confirmación de Datos del Estudiante
Reminder: Please make sure you complete the Aeries registration/data confirmation prior to your student's round-up day.
Recordatorio: Asegúrese de completar el registro de Aeries/confirmación de datos antes del evento de Round-Up.
Aeries is the district's student information system. All information about students is securely stored in this database, including contact information, grade history, transcripts, health information, and attendance.
Yes. Parents use their Aeries account for the following purposes:
All students are issued an MUHSD email account which is used to create the student AERIES account. Student email addresses use the first initial and last name along with the student's 6-digit ID number followed by For example John Doe with an ID #123456 would be jdoe123456@muhsdstudents.
To ensure schools have the most current student information and to confirm parents have read the annual notification, parents are asked to:
Confirm contact information for communication purposes is current
Confirm residency status, including if a family has been displaced, is current
Confirm health information is current
Confirm parents understand and have read authorization rights/documents that pertain to each school year
An Aeries parent portal account was automatically created if parents provided the school with an email address. If you do not believe your student's school site has your email or has an inaccurate email, please contact the school site directly and speak to staff in charge of Data Entry.