Our department provides assistance and information in the realm of enrollment, transfer, attendance, student conduct, crisis intervention, drug, alcohol, tobacco education, and safe schools.
All Interdistrict and Intradistrict transfers for the following school year are accepted from Jan. 1st through May 1st annually. (BP 5116.1)
● Board Policy- Intradistrict Transfer
● Intradistrict Transfer Request(from one MUHSD school to another)
● Interdistrict Transfer Request (living inside MUHSD boundaries to attend school outside of MUHSD boundaries)
Interdistrict and Intradistrict transfer forms may be submitted to Kelli Sharpe by email or mail to:
Kelli Sharpe, MUHSD Student Services, P.O. Box 2147, Merced, CA 95341-2147
If your request is denied and you would like to appeal please contact Kelli Sharpe to schedule an appeal.
MUHSD Student Services - 209-325-2111
Site | Registrar | Phone |
Atwater High School | Leticia Valenzuela | 209-325-1241 |
Buhach Colony High School | Joan Alvarez | 209-325-1441 |
El Capitan High School | Sylvia Escamilla | 209-384-5528 |
Golden Valley High School | Alma Cervantes | 209-325-1841 |
Livingston High School | Dazzey Valadez | 209-325-2641 |
Merced Adult School | Michelle McCuen | 209-325-2841 |
Merced High School | Stacey Hughes | 209-325-1041 |
Sequoia High School | Melina Aguilar Oliveros | 209-325-1702 |
Yosemite High School | Stacy Mora Bautista | 209-325-1641 |
Each year, students, faculty, parents in MUHSD take the California Healthy Kids Survey. Below are the latest results for 2023-2024 school year.
Online Enrollment Forms
Please contact your school site's registrar for further questions and assistance on enrolling your student online. This will also be the number to call to set up an appointment for in-person enrollment.
Other Forms:
Use the school locator button below to determine the school for your student by typing in your residential address.
MUHSD Day Reporting Center (DRC)
DRC is intended to provide time for Associate Principal to create the site based intervention Family Engagement Meeting (FEM) for the behavior being exhibited by the student. Family Engagement Meeting should be documented in the Administrative Decision section of AERIES (with the date the meeting was held).
MUHSD Understanding Drugs and Alcohol (UDA)
The UDA program is a comprehensive multi-tiered intervention program which aims to impact student perception and decision-making around substance use in a way that reduces risk and improves student physical, social/emotional, and educational development. The curriculum used in UDA Education is grounded in evidence-based theory (Motivational Interviewing, Choice Theory, Impact Therapy) and the lessons are derived from two evidenced based programs - Brief Intervention and Project Towards No Drug Abuse.
Visit the DRC/ UDA Webpage below:
Recovery Assistance For Teens A Program of Merced County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (RAFT)
Araly Alcocer
Child Welfare &Attendance Secretary
Phone: 209-325-2111
Fax: 209-222-4964
Kelli Sharpe
Program Administrator II-Child Welfare & Attendance
Phone: 209-325-2110
Fax: 209-222-4979
Cristi Johnson
Assistant Superintendent-Student Services
Phone: 209-325-2121
Student Support Services
Phone: 209-325-2121
Child Welfare, Attendance & Safety: 209.222.4964