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Digital Citizenship

Fully 95% of teens have access to a smartphone, and 45% say they are online 'almost constantly'.  Helping our students to become good digital citizens is important.

Digital citizenship is about much more than online safety — or a long list of don’ts. It’s also about the do’s that help create thoughtful, empathetic digital citizens who can wrestle with important ethical questions and issues.

Please use the links below to learn more about the digital world our students explore.

Video Resources:

Digital Citizenship Videos 

More can be found by searching YouTube.



Cyberbullying, the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person, can be an unfortunate byproduct of digital communication. Although it’s usually easy to spot — a text message or social network post appears threatening or cruel, for example — sometimes it can also be less obvious. A bully might impersonate a victim online, for example, even opening a fake account for the purpose of posting hurtful or embarrassing information about another. it is important to be knowledgeable about this behavior and vigilant in teaching young people how to spot and report it. 

  • 59% of U.S teens have been bullied or harassed online.
  • 42% of teens say they have been called offensive names online.
  • 90% believe online harassment is a problem.

Click below for authentic insight and perspectives from teens on cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying Videos


Digital Awareness for Parents

The digital world is constantly evolving with new social media platforms, apps, and devices, and children and teens are often the first to use them. Some negative things that may occur include cyberbullying, sexting, posting hateful messages or content, and participating in negative group conversations. If your child posts harmful or negative content online, it may not only harm other children; it can affect their online reputation, which can have negative implications for their employment or college admission.

While you may not be able to monitor all of your child’s activities, there are things you can do to prevent cyberbullying and protect your child from harmful digital behavior:

  • Monitor a teen’s social media sites, apps, and browsing history, if you have concerns that cyberbullying may be occurring.
  • Review or reset your child’s phone location and privacy settings.
  • Follow or friend your teen on social media sites or have another trusted adult do so.
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest apps, social media platforms, and digital slang used by children and teens.
  • Know your child’s user names and passwords for email and social media.
  • Establish rules about appropriate digital behavior, content, and apps.


Teen Tech Lingo Parents Should Know

  • 11:11 - 11:11 AM or 11:11 PM; it’s commonly believed that making a wish at these times makes it come true! Has connections to numerology and spirituality.

    Awks - Short for ‘awkward.’

    BTS - A popular boy band in Korea.

    Bruh - Another slang for ‘bro’ or ‘dude.’

    CYA - Two very different possible meanings: 1. See you. 2. (See RUDE list.)

    Chillaxin’ - A compound word formed by adding ‘chilling’ with ‘relaxing.’

    Dabbing - Again, two very different possible definitions! 1. (See DRUGS list.) 2. A trending dance move.

    Dope - Awesome.

    GOAT - Greatest of All Time.

    GTG/G2G - Got To Go. Used to end a conversation.

    Gucci - Not just the brand! Implies anything that’s extremely expensive.

    High Key - Very much. The opposite of Low Key!

    Hundo P - One hundred percent.

    ILY - I Love You.

    IRL - In Real Life.

    ISO - In Search Of.

    JK - Just Kidding. Used after pulling someone’s leg.

    LMP - 1. Like My Pic. Used to ask someone to like one’s picture online. 2. (See SEXUAL list.)

    Low Key - A little bit. The opposite of High Key!

    Lit - Someone/something that is popular.

    LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off. Used when a particular content is found to be extremely funny.

    LOL - Laughing Out Loud. Sent after reading something funny.

    NP - No problem.

    Noob - Used to describe a novice in a field.

    ROFLMAO - Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off. Used to refer to the funniest things you read!

    Salty - To be bitter or irritable about something.

    SMH - Shaking My Head. Used to express exasperation or frustration.

    Snatched - Someone that looks good or is well-styled.

    SIC - Something that Is Cool.

    Squad - The social group someone belongs to.

    TBH - To Be Honest.

    WUF - Where You From? (Where are you from?)

    WYA - Where You At? (Where are you?)

    WYD - What You Doing? (What are you doing?)

    Yeet - A very emphatic ‘Yes’.

  • AF - As F*ck. Used as a suffix to exaggerate something. For example, ‘She was boring AF.’

    As B*lls - Used exactly the same as ‘AF’, this suffix is also used to exaggerate simple statements.

    Basic - Someone who is boring.

    Bih - Short form for b*tch.

    CYA - Cover Your Ass.

    KMS - Kill Myself.

    KYS - Kill Yourself.

    OMFG - Oh My F*cking God. Used in the same way as ‘Oh my god’ or ‘OMG’.

    Shading - To gossip about someone/something without naming them.

    SH - Sh*t Happens. Used when something unforeseen happens (Note: Not sympathetic).

    SMDH - Shaking My D*mn Head. Usage similar to SMH.

    STFU - Shut The F*ck Up.

    Tool - Someone who is either stupid or geeky.

    Throw Shade - A subtle, sneering expression of contempt, either verbal or non-verbal.

    Wanksta - A person who acts tough in public but is mellow or soft on the inside.

  • 4:20 - Marijuana reference.

    Dabbing - A concentrated dose of cannabis.

    Dexing - Overdosing on cough syrup to feel drunk.

    Hulk - A 2mg benzodiazepine bar; a party drug.

    Juul - Small pods or e-cigarettes used for smoking.

    Molly- 3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. A drug that alters moods and perceptions.

    School Bus - Yellow Xanax, often now being misused as a party drug.

    Turnt Up - Someone who is high on drugs or drunk.

    Zip Ghost - Someone who has a hard time functioning in society as a result of being high on Marijuana.

  • CD9 - Code 9. A quick warning to alert friends when parents are near!

    Finsta - A fake Instagram account.

    FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out.

    LMIRL - Let’s Meet In Real Life. Sent between individuals whose communication has thus far been restricted to online messaging.

    POS - Parents Over Shoulder. Used to warn the other person not to type or discuss anything explicit.

    Spam - To have a fake social media profile.

    Swoop - To be picked up in a car.

    YOLO - You Only Live Once. Often used as a justification to perform dangerous stunts.

  • 53X - Sex.

    ASL - Age/Sex/Location. Used to ask for basic information about a prospective partner.

    Bae - A sweet term for crush or partner.

    Beat Cake - Term for rough sex.

    BMS - Breaks My Scale. Someone who’s so attractive they’ve broken the ‘beauty scale’.

    CU46 - See You For Sex.

    FWB - Friends With Benefits. Two friends who regularly hook up sexually without any emotions or feelings.

    GNOC - Get Naked On Camera.

    Hentai - Graphic anime pornography which originated in Japan.

    Netflix and Chill - Getting together to hook up.

    NIFOC - Naked In Front Of the Computer.

    PMYOS - Put Me On Your Snapstory. Used between friends or partners to show everyone how close they are.

    Sexting - To share sexually explicit messages between two individuals.

    Ship - The desire to see two individuals (often fictional characters) as a romantic couple.

    Smash - Casual sex.

    Snack - An attractive person.

    Snapstreak - The continuous number of days in which two individuals ‘snap’ each other. A snap could be either a photo or a video, created using Snapchat.

    Thirsty - Someone who is desperate for sexual attention.

    Thot - That Hoe Over There. Used to describe someone as a ‘slut’.

    TDTM - Talk Dirty To Me. Used for sexting.

    Thicc - A hefty person who is considered attractive.

    Tight - In a close relationship with someone.

    WTTP - Want To Trade Photos?