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Purchasing and Warehouse Home

Purchasing and Warehouse Staff

Staff Position Phone Number
  Director of Purchasing 209-325-2203
Seth Gunnin Warehouse Purchasing Assistant 209-325-2201
Kevin Hendrickson Delivery Person/Storekeeper 209-325-2204
Armando Arceo Delivery Person/Storekeeper 209-325-2204


Department Mission

To assist the teachers, administration, and district staff in their purchases of equipment, supplies, and services.

Warehouse Location

Address: 2130 Spacecraft Drive, Atwater, CA 95301


Directions from Hwy 99 North or South

Take the Buhach / Castle Airport exit, turn Left on Buhach continue to Bellevue, turn right on Bellevue Road continue to Santa Fe Dr., turn right on Santa Fe Dr. to first stoplight (gate 2) Turn left go to the first street (Shuttle Dr.) we are on the left side of the road, the only building standing.