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Communications Home

MUHSD Communications

Vision & Mission

The MUHSD Communications Department works to support the mission, vision, and values of the district by providing accurate, timely and relevant information to its students, parents, families, staff members and community stakeholders.


What We Do

  • Community relations
  • Promote district and school events
  • Electronic communications
  • Internal and external communication initiatives
  • Press releases
  • ParentSquare
  • Community relations
  • Promote district events
  • Electronic communications
  • Internal and external communication initiatives
  • Press releases
  • Social media
  • District website and assistance with school websites

How to Use Communications

I want to submit an item for a website or webpage: 

  • Use the online form to submit website request or edits. If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Pemberton.


Media has called requesting information: 

  • Refer them to Viviana Fuentes, or


I want the media (TV, online, print) to cover my event or program: 

  • If the event is at least two weeks away, submit a online form. If the event is less than two weeks away, provide details to The Communications Director will determine whether the event is appropriate for a news release, social media post, article, video, web story, etc.


I want the Communications Department to capture my event or program: 

  • Submit an online form. The Communications Office will make every effort to accommodate requests.


I have a story I want to share: 

  • Submit the item using the online form. The Communications Department will determine how to best publicize the information.


I want to submit an item to Highlight an Employee or Student: 

  • Use the online form.  Employee and student recognitions on social media is to highlight a success story on your site.


I need help with a project that involves creation of digital media content, social media, and marketing: 

  • Submit the item using the online form. The Communications Department will schedule a meeting and follow-up with an email.
  • In order to best serve you, please complete the following request form. The Communications Department will review your request form within 24 hours of submission Monday - Friday. When necessary, a meeting will be scheduled to discuss your project request. At a minimum, please provide a two-week notice before your project or event takes place. We do not guarantee that we will be able to serve all requests based on demand.

    Your Communications Department Contacts:
    • Viviana Fuentes, Director of Communications 
    • Jamie Pemberton, Communications Program Manager 


    MUHSD Communications Project Request Form

  • We encourage all community members to engage with each other through independent social media accounts for MUHSD school sites, programs, athletics, and departments. These accounts must be approved by the Communications Department, and all posts and comments on these accounts are public record. Please complete and return this form to the Communications Department. The MUHSD’s Communications Department will send you an email with the approval of the account.

    Since many staff have social media accounts that do not represent their school or program but represent them or their classrooms. If your account meets at least one of the following criteria, it must be registered with the Communications Department:

    • The account is connected to your school-provided email.
    • The account’s primary purpose is to promote your classroom, a club or team you sponsor, your school, or the district.
    • The account is used to discuss official school updates and to share information on behalf of the district, school, class, club, team, etc.


    If you have any questions, please reach out! The Communications Department would like to discuss any of your questions or comments as you work to build community and engagement.

    Contact Information for Director of Communications, Viviana Fuentes:

    • Office Phone Number: 209-325-2046


    MUHSD Social Media Account Registration Form

  • Welcome to the Merced Union High School District Website

    We want everyone who visits the MUHSD websites to feel welcome and to be able to easily access the information they need. Our aim is to have each page in line with the current Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, known as WCAG 2.0. These are the guidelines created by the World Wide Web Consortium, which is an international community with a shared vision to make all websites accessible to individuals with visual, hearing, or cognitive disabilities.

    How to Report an Issue

    If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader, eye tracking device, voice recognition software, etc.) and have difficulty accessing information on our website, please contact us at 209-325-2052 or email, and provide the URL for the material you tried were unable to access, the problem you experienced, and your contact information (name, email address, and phone number) so that we may contact you to provide the information in another format.

    Third Party Sites

    Please note that some pages on our MUHSD websites do contain links to third party sites, which are not within our control and may not comply with accessibility standards. MUHSD is not responsible for the content or accessibility of any third party sites.


Contact Us

Viviana Fuentes

Director of Communications

Phone: 209-325-2046



Jamie Pemberton

Communications Program Manager

Phone: 209-325-2052