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School Board Members

Board of Trustees

The MUHSD Board of Trustees adopts regulations and policies governing the entire school district. The Board has authority over educational policy, finance, campus planning, and facilities, among other areas. Members of the Board seek to ensure the best interest of stakeholders in all types of management decisions.

  • MUHSD Board President

    District Office

    Phone: 209-600-4974

    Address: 2500 Cooper Ave., Merced CA 95348

    Area 4 – December 2024 to December 2028

    Email Me

  • MUHSD Board Vice President

    District Office

    Phone: 209-325-2092

    Address: 1972 Station Avenue, Atwater, CA 95301

    Area 2 – December 2022 to December 2026

    Email Me

  • MUHSD Board Clerk

    District Office

    Phone: 209-325-2093

    Address: 1924 Vistana Avenue, Atwater, CA 95301

    Area 5 – December 2024 to December 2026

    Email Me

  • MUHSD Board Member

    District Office

    Phone: 209-425-4073

    Address: 2874 Forist Lane, Merced, CA 95340

    Area 1 – December 2022 to December 2026

    Email Me

  • MUHSD Board Member

    District Office

    Phone: 209-277-1402

    Address: PO Box 777, Livingston, CA 95334

    Area 3 – December 2024 to December 2028

    Email Me

All Board meetings are streamed live on our Youtube Page. You can also access previous Board meetings there.



LCAP Goals for MUHSD

  • LCAP Goal #1 - All Students College and Career Ready
  • LCAP Goal #2 - Equitable Access
  • LCAP Goal #3 - School Climate
  • LCAP Goal #4 - Recruit & Retain Staff



The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) became California's school funding structure in 2013-14. It provides funding for all students, and additional funding for districts who serve a large population of Foster Youth, Low Income and English Learner students. The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) explains how the district will use the additional funds to support identified students and provide them with an equal opportunity to succeed.



Superintendent Goals

Among the many responsibilities that come with serving as a school board member, the board also sets goals for the Superintendent. 

  • English:

    1. English departments will create and administer a district assessment for the 3rd and 4th quarters for English 1-4 that reflects the district focus on student-centered and skills-based instruction. These courses will also give the reading inventory at least twice per year providing individual data for teacher use and aggregate data for site and district use.
    2. Review the Read 180 pilot data and work with teachers to establish the district expectation of annual growth for a student. This data will then be collected and reviewed annually to evaluate the effectiveness of the program and identify any additional supports or modifications needed.


    1. Quarter local assessments will be given to math students in Integrated Math A, Integrated Math 1, Integrated Math 2, and Integrated Math 3.
    2. A pre and post test will be given to students in the aforementioned math courses.
    3. Individual student growth will be measured beginning with the quarter 1 local assessment and concluding with the post local assessment.


    1. Through their MTSS work, sites have established a program to recognize student progress toward reaching site-identified goals. The target for 2023-2024 is for 50% of the student body to reach those goals and be recognized. Each site will review their data at the end of the year to make adjustments or modifications to their program.
    2. Administrative walk-throughs will include skills/4Cs for 2023-2024. Aggregate data from each site will be used at the end of the 1st semester to establish a baseline and targeted growth for the 2nd semester.


    1. The MUHSD counseling handbook will be developed by all counseling providers and implemented by the beginning of the 2024 school year.
    2. All counseling providers will be trained by Dr. Trish Hatch Consulting group (Hatching Results) in the areas of ASCA standards by June of 2024.
    3. A tiered model of counseling services will be created beginning in 2022 and concluding in 2024. Services will be implemented as the tiered model is being developed and will be modified through June 2024. Focus will be on increasing Direct Services (face to face services) with students.


    1. Development of a Learning Skills Curriculum (measurement is the actual curriculum) with common lessons by grade level (Work samples will be part of the student's portfolio).
    2. Co-Teacher Training/PD- Increase the opportunities students with IEPs have to participate in gen ed classes and increase the pass rate for such classes.
    3. SDC Lesson Planning-IC to work with teachers to develop and implement lessons in ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science, Life Skill, Voc Arts. Decrease in behavioral referrals (due to classroom engagement) and Progress Towards IEP goals.
    4. Develop a common understanding/language surrounding case management and the implementation of IEPs.
    • Continued refinement of safety preparation and planning both from a physical point of view and social-emotional point of view Identify and consistently implement essential standards in core areas, including embedded skills (communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking).
    • Continue implementation of student-centered instructional delivery methods and authentic assessments (real-world, multiple measures) in all core areas with special emphasis in mathematics.
    • Focus on providing timely and accurate communications to families, staff and the community to promote all school and district activities consistently at all sites.
    • Explore best options to attain student voice at the board level.
    • Explore Digital Citizenship options for a comprehensive approach for staff, students and parents.
    • Explore options to provide students with financial literacy proficiency.
    • Explore options to increase collaboration and communication with feeder districts.
    • Explore options to provide students with work-ready certifications.
    1. Improve opportunities and outcomes for special populations including, English learners, special ed, foster youth and homeless students.

    2. Research options and plan for facility improvements at all sites.


    • Goal #1- Develop alternative schedules for students (7-period day) LCAP Priority- All Students College and Career Ready
    • Goal #2- Update and Revamp Counseling Services LCAP Priority- Equitable Access
    • Goal #3- Develop a Leadership Academy LCAP Priority- Recruit and Retain Highly Qualified Staff
    • Goal #4- Create Five-year Facilities Plan LCAP Priority- School Climate

MUHSD Trustee Areas