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Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

The Merced Union High School District invites parents, teachers, students and community stakeholders to participate in the review and development of the Local Control Accountability Plan. We look forward to the successful implementation of our plan, as well as the community’s thoughts and ideas toward increasing student achievement and enhancing services for our students.





What is the LCAP and how does it work?

The LCAP is a three-year plan to address state and local priorities in an effort to improve student outcomes.

The LCAP describes:

  • The school district's goals for students
  • What actions the district will take to achieve those goals
  • What those actions will cost
  • How it will measure the results

The LCAP addresses the needs of ALL students, including specific groups such as English Learners, Foster Youth and students from low-income families.

Because no two school districts are the same, each one is required to create its own LCAP and tailor it to the unique needs of its own students.

The LCAP also gets updated yearly, and community input is an essential component of the process. Several LCAP meetings are held throughout the school year and at each school site. Parents, caregivers and the community as a whole are invited to attend and share their concerns, identify areas that need improvement and explore potential solutions.

In an effort to make the LCAP meeting process more meaningful, parents, caregivers and community members were given the opportunity to visit their primary school in the fall of 2019 while class was in session to see for themselves how LCAP funds are being spent. Visitors were given a tour of the campus with a focus on the district's local priorities which include the following:

  • College/career readiness
  • School climate
  • Equitable access for all students
  • Recruit and retain quality staff

Several follow-up LCAP meetings are scheduled during the second half of the school year to review the school site visits and assess student needs. This will be followed by community forums leading up to the LCAP update over the summer.