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Substitute Teachers

Substitute Teachers


f you are interested in becoming a substitute teacher for Merced Union High School District (MUHSD) please contact Christi Tropp, Merced County Office of Education (MCOE) at 209-381-8600 or visit their website. Once you have met the requirements for Merced County Office of Education, please call Natalie Lorenzana at 209-325-2003 to request an online packet.

MUHSD prospective substitute teachers will be cleared after 1) all required paperwork has been completed and submitted to Natalie Lorenzana in the Human Resources Department and 2) completing the required online trainings, including the mandatory substitute orientation module.

(Please note: Returning substitutes do not have to complete the substitute orientation module. That particular requirement is for NEW substitutes only).


Bonus Structure for Substitute Teachers

  • Substitute Teachers who teach 15 consecutive workdays within the district will receive a $150 one-time bonus.
  • Substitute Teachers who teach 30 consecutive workdays within the district will receive a $300 one-time bonus.
  • Substitute Teachers who teach 45 consecutive workdays within the district will receive a $450 one-time bonus.
  • After 45 consecutive workdays, the bonus cycle will reset.
  • Bonus pay structure is for the 2023-24 normal school year only, summer school not included.
  • The use of a sick day will not count towards a consecutive day, the bonus cycle will reset.

The consecutive workdays include days with 1-6 periods.


Request an Account for InnovatEd Trainings

*Trainings are offered online through the MUHSD professional learning platform- InnovatEd. Once your MUHSD email has been created, please request an account in InnovatEd by filling out the form below.




InnovatEd accounts will only be created for substitutes with MUHSD emails; do not request an account using a personal email address.

Required MUHSD Online Trainings for Substitutes

Wait for your district email to be created. Then, proceed to log in to the MUHSD Online Trainings course with your district login (Google). You will access the following required trainings.

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Bullying
  • Bright Paths Program

After successfully completing the trainings listed above, NEW substitutes will be able to access the mandatory substitute orientation module (the orientation module is NOT required for returning substitutes).

MUHSD Online Trainings

The Online Mandated Reporter Training

The online Mandated Reporter training is conducted through PublicSchoolWORKS.  Please click here for directions on setting up a My Safety Portal account and completing this requirement.

My Safety Portal


Please Note: Google Chrome is the preferred browser; Using Internet Explorer may result in errors. It is also advised that you log OUT of personal gmail accounts, as that may also result in errors. Attempting these online trainings on your cellphone may also result in errors; the use of a computer is advised.