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Bloss Alumni Scholarship

Bloss Alumni Application


Bloss Alumni Application


Opens in January! Deadline is March 2nd! 

*To fill out the application form you will be required to sign into Gmail.  We recommend students logout out of their university or college campus accounts to prevent access issues to the Google Form.

Who is Eligible?

  • Must have graduated from the Merced Union High School District no earlier than 1973, or any year thereafter.
  • Minimum Cumulative College GPA of 2.8.
  • Must be enrolled in a California accredited post-secondary school.
  • Shall be ineligible to apply after 4 years or completion of a baccalaureate degree.



Bloss awards must be applied for annually. Applications are available in January, online from the “College & Scholarship” website. Make sure you are clicking on Bloss Alumni application.

  • Applications must be submitted online. 

Official Transcript

*Transcripts are due by March 2nd.

Please have an official electronic transcript (e-transcript) sent from your current college or mailed to the high school you graduated from (see below for school addresses).

NOTE: A complete transcript must include fall semester grades.

SEND OFFICIAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPT TO THE HIGH SCHOOL YOU GRADUATED FROM: Listed below are the addresses and phone numbers. Please include: Attention Bloss Committee.

Please Note: THE APPLICATION CANNOT BE SAVED. Before you start the application, complete a BRIEF essay (maximum of 3000 characters). Prompt: Please type a brief description of your future plans; both academic and vocational. 


  • Atwater High School

    Attention Bloss Scholarship

    P.O. Box 835

    Atwater, CA 95301

    (209) 325-1260

    Buhach Colony High School

    Attention Bloss Scholarship

    P.O. Box 753

    Atwater, CA 95301

    (209) 325-1460

    El Capitan High School

    Attention Bloss Scholarship

    100 Farmland Ave.

    Merced, CA 95348

    (209) 325-5500

    Golden Valley High School

    Attention Bloss Scholarship

    2121 E. Childs Ave

    Merced, CA 95341

    (209) 325-1860

    Merced High School

    Attention Bloss Scholarship

    205 W. Olive Ave

    Merced, CA 95348

    (209) 325-1060

    Adult School, Independence High School or Yosemite High School

    Attention Bloss Scholarship

    1900 G. Street Merced, CA 95340


  • Awards for community college are disbursed in the amount of $300 per year.
  • Awards granted to a student attending a four-year institution or vocational program vary depending on available funds (ranging from $500 to $2000).
  • Awards will be disbursed in two equal payments annually (September and February) to the financial aid office of the college you are attending.
  • The first one-half of the award will be disbursed in September and sent to the College you noted on the application.
    • College will verify full time enrollment of 12 or more units.
  • The second one-half will be disbursed upon verification of enrollment by the college in February
    • Completion of 12 or more units for the immediately preceding semester or quarter with a GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  • Bloss awards shall not be made to students where the receipt of such award would reduce the amounts of awards from other sources.
  • For questions or concerns, please email us. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR PREVIOUS HIGH SCHOOL IN THE EMAIL.

If you change colleges or have questions regarding disbursement, contact the District Office at (209) 325-2036.