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Math and Science Textbook Adoption

Math and Science Textbook Adoption

In Fall 2023 the Merced Union High School District began the textbook adoption process for 23 courses covering core math, science, ag science, AP Math and AP Science courses, listed in the table below. As part of this process, we have been inviting teachers, administrators and students, along with parents and guardians to participate and share their thoughts and opinions. If you have questions about this textbook adoption process, please reach out to Stacey Cool.


 Math  Science
 Integrated Math A

 Biology of the Living Earth

 Ag Biology of the Living Earth

 Integrated Math B  Bio and the Community Health
 Integrated Math 1  Investigations in Life Science
 Integrated Math 2

 Chemistry in the Earth System

 Ag Chemistry in the Earth System

 Integrated Math 3  Physics of the Universe
 Financial Algebra

 Earth & Space Science

 Ag Earth & Space Science

 Statistics  AP Biology
 AP Statistics  AP Chemistry
 AP Precalculus  AP Physics
 AP Calculus  AP Environmental Science

This is the Textbook Adoption Timeline that shows in detail what has been done and what is still to come. Below is a summary of milestones.

Completed milestones:

  • Sourcing potential curricula
  • Surveying staff, students and families about textbook needs and wants
  • Collecting of textbook samples
  • Evaluating materials to ensure they meet the MUHSD board criteria
  • Evaluation by the Instructional Materials Evaluation Committees

Upcoming steps:

Preliminary Screening

In early 2024 publishers were contacted and sample titles were ordered for materials that were still being considered. Once collected, the materials needed to be evaluated using the MUHSD Board Policy 6161.1 AR regarding Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials. A team of librarians, as well as our digital curriculum administrator, conducted this review and eliminated several titles for not meeting student needs or having poor technology integration with our existing digital environment.

Also during Spring 2024, various surveys were conducted in order to gather information about textbook wants and needs.


This document summarizes all of the survey results from teachers, students and parents/guardians that were collected in Spring 2024. Surveys were open for a minimum of two weeks to give people ample time to reply. In this time, 104 staff responded, 116 students responded and 156 parents/guardians responded.

Evaluation Committees

In late Spring 2024, teachers were invited to submit their names to be part of a textbook review committee.

A math committee was convened and met on May 8, 2024 and science met on May 9, 2024. Committees were composed of one or more math, science, ag science, special education, and ELD teachers as well as an instructional coach.

Committee members were given an extremely detailed rubric to evaluate a textbook according to different criteria. The rubric was created using the NGSS TIME process (science), the IMET tool (math), in addition to  rubrics sourced from other California school districts. 

Evaluators had physical copies of the books plus online access. They could use teacher, student, and any ancillary material the publisher provided. They were asked to cite evidence and document their findings in support of their ratings. A summary of their findings is included below.



The table below has the science publishers being considered as well as the score they earned with evaluation. Clicking on the name of the publisher takes you to the detailed rubric with ratings and comments.


 Publisher  Score Format
 Discovery Science Textbook  37.9% hardcover textbooks and online resources
 HMH  62.1% student workbooks and online access
 McGraw Hill Inspire Science  64.8% hardcover textbooks and online access
 Savvas Experience Science  65.2%

Biology & Physics: hardcover textbook, student workbook and online access 

Chemistry: student workbooks and online access


This document compares all four science publishers side by side so reviewers can see how they compare to each other in each category.


The image below is an example of what you will see on that document.


The table below has the math publishers being considered as well as the score they earned with evaluation. Clicking on the name of the publisher takes you to the detailed rubric with ratings and comments.


 Publisher  Score Format
 Carnegie Learning Math  83.5% student workbooks and online access
 enVision by Savvas  80.0% hardcover textbook, student workbook and online access
 Reveal Math by McGraw Hill  45.2% hardcover textbook and online access


This document compares all three math publishers side by side so reviewers can see how they compare in each category.


The image below is an example of what you will see on the document.

  More Information View demo materials
Carnegie Learning Math

With Carnegie Learning’s Community Review Site, interested parties can explore the student textbooks, skills practice books and MATHia demos for Integrated Math 1,2, and 3.

Carnegie Learning Math Program Overview

Here are direct links to a MATHia demo and the Integrated Math 1 Student MATHBook Volume 1.
McGraw Hill Reveal Math McGraw Hill offers the Reveal Math series for high school integrated math. Here you can download their 9–12 Integrated Overview Brochure

Go to: McGraw Hill Education

Username: mcgrawhillmath

Password: MUHSDreview24

Savvas enVision Math

Savvas brings the enVision Integrated Math program for high school students. This website gives more information about their program.

At this link, Savvas provides resources for virtual review.

Go to: SavvasRealize

Username: Merced.Public

Password: Savvas2024

Discovery Education Science

Discovery Education offers the Science Techbook  for High School

This is Discovery’s website that has more information about their resources

HMH Science The website at HMH provides more information about what their Science Dimensions curriculum offers.  
McGraw Hill Inspire Science McGraw Hill offers the Inspire Science series for high school NGSS-aligned high school science. Here you can download their Overview Brochure

Go to: McGraw Hill Education​​​​​​

Username: CAInspireStudent

Password: ExploreInspire24

Savvas Experience Science

Savvas Science offers several well-known programs:

Go to: SavvasRealize

Username: Merced.Public

Password: Savvas2024


Please let Merced Union High School District know your preferences for science and math textbooks by completing this survey by Monday, October 21, 2024.